Why Smoking Cigars and Whisky Go Hand & Hand

Cigars and whisky are a classic pairing enjoyed by many enthusiasts. The combination of a fine cigar and a good whisky can enhance the flavours and aromas of both, creating a harmonious and enjoyable experience. 

Here are Some Tips for Pairing Cigars and Whisky: 

  1. Choose Complementary Flavours: The key to a successful pairing is finding complementary flavours. Lighter cigars tend to go well with lighter whiskies, while fuller-bodied cigars can be paired with more robust whiskies. For example, a mild Connecticut-wrapped cigar might complement a light Scotch or bourbon, whereas a strong Nicaraguan cigar might pair better with a peaty Islay Scotch or a smoky bourbon.
  2. Consider the Strength: Matching the strength of the cigar with the strength of the whisky is essential. A strong cigar can overpower a delicate whisky, and vice versa. Balance is key.
  3. Contrast or Complement: You can either choose to contrast the flavours or complement them. Contrasting would involve pairing a sweet whisky with a spicy cigar or a smoky whisky with a creamy cigar. Complementing would involve matching similar flavour profiles, such as a woody cigar with an oak-aged whisky.
  4. Start with Milder Pairings: If you’re new to cigar and whisky pairings, start with milder options and work your way up to stronger combinations as your palate develops.
  5. Cleanse Your Palate: Have some water or plain crackers on hand to cleanse your palate between puffs and sips. This will help you fully appreciate the flavours of both the cigar and the whisky.
  6. Sip Slowly: Take your time with both the cigar and the whisky. Sip the whisky slowly to savour its flavours, and don’t rush through your cigar. Puffing too frequently on the cigar can cause it to burn too hot, altering the flavour.
  7. Experiment: There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to pairing cigars and whisky. Experimentation is part of the fun. Try different combinations and take notes to remember what you liked and didn’t like.
  8. Respect Others: If you’re smoking cigars in a public place or around others, be mindful of the fact that not everyone enjoys the smell of cigars. Try to find a designated smoking area or be considerate of those around you.
  9. Quality Matters: Invest in good-quality cigars and whisky. Cheap cigars and low-quality whisky can detract from the overall experience.

Why People Combine Whisky And Cigars 

Why Smoking Cigars and Whisky Go Hand & Hand

The combination of whisky and cigars has been a tradition enjoyed by many for generations. Whisky and cigars can complement each other in terms of flavour. When paired correctly, the flavours of the whisky can enhance the taste of the cigar, and vice versa. For example, the sweetness of bourbon can complement the spiciness of a cigar, creating a harmonious and enjoyable flavour experience. The act of sipping whisky and puffing on a cigar is often seen as a way to relax and unwind. The slow, deliberate pace of enjoying both encourages individuals to take a break from their daily routines and savour the moment.There’s an aesthetic appeal to the combination of whisky and cigars. Many people find the sight of a cigar in one hand and a glass of whisky in the other to be visually pleasing and sophisticated.

In Closing Why It’s Popular  

The enjoyment of smoking cigars with whisky is a personal experience, and your preferences may differ from others. The key is to find combinations that you enjoy and to savour the flavours and aromas that both the cigar and whisky offer.


Canadian Whisky & How It’s Made

A Quick History of Canadian Whisky & How Its Made

The History of Canadian whisky, often spelled “whiskey” in Canada, has a rich origin dating back to the 18th century. It was influenced by Scottish and Irish immigrants who brought their distillation techniques to the country. In the early days, Canadian whisky was often referred to as “rye whisky” due to its high rye content.

During the Prohibition era in the United States, Canadian whisky gained popularity as it was smuggled across the border. This contributed to the growth of the Canadian whisky industry.

In terms of production, Canadian whisky is typically known for its smooth and light character, often achieved through a combination of different grains and distillation processes. The whisky is usually distilled multiple times and can be a blend of different grains such as corn, rye, barley, and wheat.

Notable brands like Crown Royal and Canadian Club have played significant roles in shaping the perception of Canadian whisky globally. Over the years, the industry has evolved with new expressions and styles, keeping its historical legacy alive while adapting to changing tastes.

How Canadian Whisky is Made

The production of Canadian whisky involves several key steps:

Milling and Mashing: Grains like corn, rye, barley, and wheat are ground into a coarse powder and mixed with water to create a mash. The enzymes in the grains convert the starches into sugars, which will later be fermented.

Fermentation: The mash is transferred to fermentation tanks where yeast is added. Yeast consumes the sugars in the mash, producing alcohol and carbon dioxide. Fermentation can last several days, creating a “wash” with a relatively low alcohol content.

Distillation: Unlike the traditional pot stills commonly used in Scotland and Ireland, Canadian whisky is typically distilled using continuous column stills. These stills allow for multiple distillations, resulting in a high-proof distillate with a smoother and lighter character.

Blending: One of the distinguishing features of Canadian whisky is its emphasis on blending. Different distillates from various grains and distillation methods are aged separately in oak barrels. Master blenders then mix these aged distillates to achieve a desired flavor profile, ensuring consistency and complexity.

Aging: Canadian law requires whisky to be aged for a minimum of three years in wooden barrels, often charred or toasted to impart flavor. The aging process allows the whisky to interact with the wood, gaining color, flavor, and character over time.

Finishing and Bottling: Some Canadian whiskies undergo additional aging in barrels that previously held other spirits like sherry or port, adding unique flavors to the final product. Once the desired flavor is achieved, the whisky is filtered, diluted to the desired bottling strength with water, and then bottled.

Canadian whisky is known for its smooth and approachable character, making it suitable for both sipping and mixing in cocktails. The use of different grains, column distillation, and blending techniques contribute to its unique flavor profile. While the industry has evolved over time, Canadian whisky’s rich history and distinct production methods continue to shape its identity in the world of spirits.

V&W Premium Canadian Whisky